Sacred Amulet, Marriage and My Move to Japan!

Sacred Amulet, Marriage and My Move to Japan!
"Dragon Knot (龍結・Lunmusubi)" by Rein Lo and Lunmu

Hello friends,

My project with my partner, Tada Hozumi called Lunmu (龍夢), (Dragon's Dream) launched this January!

Much has happened since then and over the last 9 months on development of this ambitious project we have both been dreaming of for many years.

We are both excited and honoured to announce that we are now officially married and we are going to be re-locating to Japan by the end of 2023.

Please go to the Lunmu website to read the whole story and find out ways to support us and ways to use the amulet!

Thank you so much
Arigato Gozeimasu, Xiè Xie Ni
